Medical Gases

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Medical Gases

For over four decades, Multan Chemicals Limited has been a pillar of support for healthcare institutions across the country, providing an unparalleled commitment to service. Our status as a leading provider of medical gases and equipment is underpinned by an extensive selection of both compressed and bulk medical gases, with a focus on Oxygen and Nitrous Oxide Gases.

Our product range also extends to ultra-pure gases for scientific analysis, alongside calibration and zero-gases for precise measurements. We proudly supply medical oxygen in both liquid and gaseous states, nitrous oxide, and bespoke medical gas blends, all conforming to rigorous global benchmarks, including Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and the standards set by the European Pharmacopeia.

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Oxygen, an essential element for human survival, is extensively utilized in healthcare settings to enhance patient treatment, facilitate resuscitation, and prevent conditions such as hypoxemia and hypoxia. It is also critical for the management of various medical emergencies, including cardiac and respiratory failure, severe bleeding, shock, trauma, carbon monoxide toxicity, and cyanosis.

In medical applications, oxygen is provided in both liquid and gaseous states. In its liquid form, it is converted to gas at room temperature and administered to patients for respiratory support via inhalation.

The administration of medical oxygen serves several purposes:

– It is used as a life-sustaining measure for patients with oxygen deficiency and those requiring mechanical ventilation.

– It forms a component of the fresh gas flow in anesthesia delivery systems and intensive care units.

– It is employed in clinical settings as a foundational element of contemporary anesthetic methods, encompassing both preoperative and postoperative care management.

This versatile medical gas plays a pivotal role in maintaining vital functions and aiding recovery across a spectrum of clinical scenarios.


Standards European Pharmacopeia 1999

Multan Chemicals Limited Standard

Oxygen purity

99.5% (min)

99.7% (min)


< 67 vpm

< 5 vpm

Carbon dioxide

< 300 vpm

< 1.73 vpm

Carbon monoxide

< 5 vpm


Medical Oxygen Technical Specifications:

Medical oxygen is supplied to the following specification: Purity 99.7% (min).

Nitrous oxide serves a critical role in both surgical and dental settings, functioning as an anesthetic and pain-relief agent. Its applications include the administration with 50% oxygen to alleviate intense pain, often in urgent care scenarios. It is also employed in managing discomfort during short-duration medical interventions such as dressing burns and wounds, debriding wounds, and performing sutures. For dental procedures, it provides temporary pain relief during tooth extractions and similar short-term treatments, again in combination with 50% oxygen. Additionally, nitrous oxide is utilized sporadically as a distension medium in laparoscopic surgeries and as a cooling medium in cryosurgical procedures.


Standards European Pharmacopeia 1999

Multan Chemicals Limited Standard

N20 purity

98.0% (min)

98.0% (min)


< 67 vpm

< 100 vpm

Carbon dioxide

< 300 vpm

< 300 vpm

Carbon monoxide

< 5 vpm

< 12 vpm

Nitric Oxide

< 2 vpm

< 2 vpm


Medical air is an essential therapeutic agent utilized in various healthcare settings to support patients’ respiratory needs and facilitate medical procedures. Composed of a precise blend of oxygen and nitrogen, medical air undergoes stringent production processes to meet exacting standards of purity and safety.

At our facility, we prioritize the production and distribution of medical air that adheres to the highest industry regulations and pharmacopeial standards. Our advanced manufacturing processes ensure the removal of impurities and contaminants, resulting in a reliable and consistent supply of medical air suitable for a wide range of clinical applications.

The versatility of medical air makes it indispensable in healthcare settings, where it serves as a vital component in respiratory therapy, anesthesia administration, and surgical procedures. In respiratory therapy, medical air is often blended with oxygen to deliver precise concentrations tailored to patients’ needs, aiding in the management of respiratory conditions and ensuring adequate oxygenation.

Moreover, medical air plays a crucial role in surgical environments, where it is used to power medical instruments, maintain pneumoperitoneum during laparoscopic procedures, and provide a clean and controlled environment for surgical interventions. Its inert properties make it particularly well-suited for these applications, as it minimizes the risk of combustion and supports safe operating conditions.

Our commitment to quality and safety extends beyond production to encompass comprehensive testing and monitoring protocols. Each batch of medical air undergoes rigorous quality assurance checks to verify compliance with specifications for oxygen and nitrogen content, ensuring that healthcare providers receive a dependable and standardized product.


Medical carbon dioxide gas, although commonly associated with its role in respiratory physiology and as a byproduct of human metabolism, finds diverse applications in the medical field. Produced and handled with meticulous care, medical-grade carbon dioxide gas serves as a versatile tool in various clinical settings.

One of the primary applications of medical carbon dioxide gas is in respiratory therapy, where it is often used to stimulate breathing and alleviate conditions such as respiratory acidosis. Administered in controlled concentrations, carbon dioxide can trigger the body’s respiratory drive, helping patients overcome respiratory depression or hypoventilation.

Furthermore, carbon dioxide gas is extensively utilized in minimally invasive surgical procedures, particularly in laparoscopic surgery and endoscopic interventions. In laparoscopy, carbon dioxide is insufflated into the abdominal cavity to create a pneumoperitoneum, providing surgeons with a clear view of internal organs and facilitating surgical maneuvers. This technique minimizes trauma to surrounding tissues and reduces postoperative pain, contributing to quicker recovery times for patients.

In addition to its therapeutic and surgical applications, medical carbon dioxide gas plays a crucial role in the field of diagnostic imaging. Carbon dioxide-enhanced angiography, for example, involves the injection of carbon dioxide gas into blood vessels to visualize vascular structures and detect abnormalities such as aneurysms or stenoses. Compared to iodinated contrast agents, carbon dioxide offers the advantage of being non-toxic and less likely to cause allergic reactions or renal complications.

At our facility, we ensure that medical carbon dioxide gas meets stringent quality and safety standards, adhering to pharmacopeial requirements and regulatory guidelines. By providing a reliable supply of medical-grade carbon dioxide gas, we contribute to the delivery of safe and effective patient care across a spectrum of medical specialties.

Medical nitrogen gas, a vital component in healthcare settings, serves various essential functions due to its inert nature and high purity. Produced and handled with meticulous attention to quality and safety, medical-grade nitrogen gas finds diverse applications in clinical practice.

One of the primary uses of medical nitrogen gas is in cryotherapy, where it is employed to generate extremely low temperatures for therapeutic purposes. By rapidly cooling tissues, medical nitrogen gas can effectively treat conditions such as warts, skin lesions, and precancerous growths, offering patients a minimally invasive alternative to surgical procedures.

Furthermore, medical nitrogen gas plays a crucial role in preserving biological specimens and pharmaceutical products. In cryopreservation, nitrogen gas is utilized to create cryogenic storage conditions, maintaining the viability of cells, tissues, and embryos for long-term storage. Similarly, nitrogen gas is employed in pharmaceutical manufacturing processes to prevent oxidation and degradation of sensitive compounds, ensuring the stability and efficacy of medications.

In addition to its therapeutic and preservation applications, medical nitrogen gas is indispensable in supporting respiratory care and anesthesia delivery systems. When mixed with oxygen, nitrogen gas can be used to dilute concentrations of inhaled anesthetics, allowing for precise control of anesthesia depth during surgical procedures. Moreover, medical nitrogen gas is utilized in medical gas delivery systems to power pneumatic devices, such as ventilators and surgical tools, enabling essential life support functions and procedural interventions.

At our facility, we prioritize the production and distribution of medical-grade nitrogen gas that meets stringent quality standards and regulatory requirements. By providing a reliable supply of high-purity nitrogen gas, we contribute to the delivery of safe and effective patient care across a wide range of medical specialties.

Supply Options

Medical Oxygen & Nitrogen Cylinders:

For small and medium sized hospitals, MCL offers Oxygen / Nitrogen in high-pressure gas cylinders and liquid medical oxygen / nitrogen containers (Portable Cryogenic Containers) in a variety of sizes.

For medical oxygen we offer cylinders in the following sizes:

Oxygen5L water capacity10L water capacity47L water capacity
Gas capacity in CUM0.84961.6996.796
Valve OperationPin indexSide and top outletSide and top outlet
Cylinder pressure full (bar)137137137

Nitrous Oxide Cylinders:

For small and medium sized hospitals, MCL offer Nitrous in high-pressure gas cylinders and liquid Medical Nitrous oxide containers (Portable Cryogenic Containers) in a variety of sizes.

For medical nitrous oxide we offer cylinders in the following sizes:

Nitrous oxide5L water capacity10L water capacity47L water capacity
Gas capacity in Liters1,6203,24016,200
Valve OperationPin indexWheel typeWheel type
Cylinder Pressure full (bar)808080

Medical Carbon Dioxide Cylinders:

For small and medium sized hospitals, MCL offer Carbon Dioxide in high-pressure gas cylinders and liquid Medical Carbon Dioxide containers (Portable Cryogenic Containers) in a variety of sizes.

For medical carbon dioxide we offer cylinders in the following sizes

Cylinder size (WC)5L10L47L
Vol Kg4730
Pressure (BarG)787878
Valve type)Bull noseBull noseBull nose